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Introduction To Amazon KDP
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Amazon KDP is a way to self-publish your eBooks, paperback and hardback books using their printing service. It’s free to upload to their site; they do all of the printing and deliveries, all you need to do is upload your interior and cover for each book, in high-quality PDF format.

There is money to be made doing this; in fact, lots of people make an excellent living by creating and selling low-content books, such as simple notebooks, colouring books, planners and so-on. But there is a ton of competition, so it’s not really for you if you are not prepared to put in the work required to get your listings noticed.

Work involves, among other things, keyword and competition research, and these can change on a regular basis, so it’s an ongoing thing. However, it’s free to upload, so what have you got to lose!

To get started, click here to sign up. It’s probably best to target the American market, as this seems to be where the most sales come from.