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Upload a Basic Notebook
How to upload a simple notebook. We will add some keywords but won't go into keyword research until later, this is just to get you started.
Keyword, niche and competition research is very important for getting your book ranked on the first page, which is superbly difficult!
Formatting Your Book
Formatting your book for upload.
Adding Extra Categories
How to get your book listed in another 10+ categories.
Creating Your Author Account
You can group all books created under specific pen-names you have created.
Adding A+ Content
How to add extra content to your listings for free.
KDP Uploading and Research
About Lesson

You will need to create a separate author account for each pen name you use. To do so, you can go to Author Central.

There you can create and edit your profile, as well as change the author URL:

Author Central Profile

When you are all set up, you can start adding your books:

KDP author book link

KDP add books

The biggest issue is that when you make a search for a book, yours won’t necessarily show. You will need to search for your book along with your pen name:

KDP search and add books

However, a much easier way is just to search for the book’s ASIN:


On the next page, you will be able to add the book to your collection.

Just remember to add all of your books once they have been approved by Amazon, and your page will soon look amazing! 🙂

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